The challenges of software outsourcing

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Let’s take a deep dive into the common pitfalls of outsourcing and offer dynamic solutions to help you overcome them. We’ll also show you why offshore development may be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Outsourcing vs offshoring

Outsourcing – yes, the operational costs are relatively low, but hiring contractors for d https://nobuyuki-shirai.comone-off projects through third parties can be a headache.

Offshoring is the key to achieving long-term goals with committed staff and highly skilled software engineers. But let’s face it; the cost can be a concern.

The common problems with outsourcing

Quantity over quality

Looking to outsource to save on costs? The trade-off may not always be worth it. With outsourced engineers juggling multiple clients, quality can suffer, and their priorities may not align with yours. The result? A project that only partially reflects your company’s vision or needs.


A lack of control over ‘your’ team

Third-party vendors often hire independent contractors outside your team, making it challenging to oversee their work and communicate with your internal team. Keep your projects on track and maintain communication by choosing a more reliable solution.